A mighty fine drop for for the christening of Barry Donaher's new Red Ant F6 Marblehead which hit the water last weekend.
The first of a number of new Marblehead's headed for Champion Lakes was christened last weekend in a private ceremony where the proud owner enjoyed a delightful bottle of bourbon to celebrate.
Barry also enjoyed a fantastic day with the successful launch of the boat which showed good performance in the light wind conditions. We will have to wait until the inaugural Marblehead Club Championship first heat on the 7th of June before it makes it's debut at Champion Lakes.
With the relaunch of sailing the new calendar sees the scheduling of regular sailing for all classes with M's & 10's now scheduled each fortnight with alternating club championship heats while the IOM's will remain with a weekly schedule. Start times for all classes have changed and you will need to ensure you check the calendar for the start time of your class.
Congratulations Barry on the launch of the boat!
PS - Rosco took first blood!